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Quality and environment

At Decolor we seek excellence and continuous improvement in our products.
We take care of the quality of production processes and services in detail in order to offer customers an effective paint product that exceeds their expectations.

At the same time, we promote the continuity of our business through socially responsible, sustainable and efficient practices with society and the environment, promoting sustainability.

Customer orientation

Environmental sustainability


Continuous improvement

Professional talent

Normative compliance


The experience and passion for painting endorse us.

We are committed to the implementation and continuous improvement of our products, processes and the provision of a unique and quality service in order to fully satisfy the requirements and expectations of our customers.

For this reason, we are committed to the implementation of a Quality and Environmental Management System according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001: 2015 standards for the development and manufacture of paints and varnishes.

See certificate
ISO 14001: 2015

Sustainable development, respect for the environment and pollution prevention

See certificate
ISO 9001: 2015

Continuous improvement
in our products and services.

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